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How to Exfoliate - Face

Looking visually appealing starts with the face as it's the first thing people notice and judge before anything else. Additionally, even if you manage to have perfect skin on your arms, back, and legs but have a dull and unattractive face, your photos will look low-quality and undesirable.

While many skincare Products promise to provide you a radiant face, the best option is with exfoliation as the process gives you the much-desired baby-like look with an even tone. To thoroughly understand exfoliation and why it's worth incorporating in your beauty routine, read this article; it has all the information you need.


What is Exfoliation?

If you've heard the word but aren't conversant with the meaning, exfoliation is the process of eliminating dead and dried skin cells from the top layer with products called "Exfoliants." This action helps brighten the complexion as the dead surface causes the skin to look unattractive and dull.

Besides peeling off dead cells from the top layer, exfoliation improves the impact of beauty products as the eradication of blockades enables their ingredients and essential nutrients to penetrate and nourish the skin.

It's worth noting that this practice encourages cell turnover and slows down the aging process, making you look younger, more pleasing, and healthier.


Physical vs. Chemical Exfoliants

It's worth noting that there are different ways to exfoliate, and these methods were invented to accommodate different skin types as not all products are comparable with everyone in the general population.

Nevertheless, the two types include:


Physical Exfoliation:

Physical exfoliation fundamentally involves using granular or relatively rough materials to disconnect the dead skin cells from the fresh ones. Some include face scrubs, sponges, brush, and scalpel, and they are available in regular beauty or drugstores.

The primary benefit of this type of scrub is the instant result it produces after application as the rough surface peels off the dead cells within minutes. This factor makes physical exfoliants a recommended option for people who wish to cleanse their face for an occasion hurriedly.

*Note: Excessive usage of physical exfoliants may result in micro-tears, which damage the skin and diminish its visual appeal.


Chemical Exfoliation

On the other hand, chemical exfoliants are a cocktail of compounds combined to remove dead cells from the body with zero adverse effects. They perform this task by weakening the bond between the waste skin and the fresh one, making it easy to wash them off.

This variant is unique due to its compatibility with people possessing sensitive skins as the ingredients are milder than physical exfoliants. However, they don't provide instant results as eliminating waste cells can take a few days to complete.

Nevertheless, they are a reliable option commonly used by beauty experts and celebrities since they are practical and gentle at giving you that desired glow.

Irrespective of the most available type of exfoliant that exists in your location, it's best to acquire one that's compatible with your skin, as using the wrong product can do more harm than good.


How Often Should You Exfoliate?

While the exfoliation timeline is still debatable as the duration varies depending on the individual, some people's skin can handle exfoliants three times a week. Still, other more sensitive skin types need nothing more than once a week.

Therefore, the recommended frequency is one to three times a week; however, pay attention to your skin and determine what's best for you. People with oily skin exfoliate differently than people with normal or dry skin.


How to Exfoliate the Face

The process begins with picking the right product for your skin, meaning you'll have to understand your skin type before ordering a product from Amazon. Consider consulting a dermatologist and have them recommend what's suitable for your body.

Afterward, wash the face with cleansers, then apply the exfoliant to the dry skin, ensuring you avoid the eye area as that section's light skin doesn't need exfoliation. Massage the product all over your face, ensuring it reaches every corner and covers every spot.

Afterward, rinse the product from your face after a few minutes, then apply a moisturizer to replace the removed oil from the skin. If you possess a Serum, wait roughly 39 seconds before applying the product to your wet face, then proceed to apply your preferred face cream.

Note that this process can be done at any time - morning or evening - it depends on you and your goals. Most people prefer exfoliating at night as it allows their face to absorb the valuable nutrients from beauty products without interruption from the sun. In contrast, others prefer the instant glow it provides in the daytime.


When to Skip or Stop Exfoliating

As previously mentioned, using the wrong exfoliant for your skin may cause more harm than good as many acne patients experience more issues once they try exfoliation. For example, if your face is crucially overthrown by acne, physical exfoliation irritates it further because it'll result in dark marks and hyperpigmentation.

In such a situation, opt for other methods and eliminate the massive acne before trying exfoliation. Additionally, if you have cuts, open wounds, sunburns, and infections in your face, hold off exfoliation until they've been rectified.

However, you end up irritating your skin due to excessive exfoliation or exfoliating with the wrong product. Take a few days off the product and edit for your skin to heal before returning.



Ultimately, keeping your face visually appealing is an achievable goal with exfoliation as dull skin is often the result of dead cells covering the fresh ones. Eradicate them with the appropriate exfoliant and watch your face glow according to your desire.

Cleanlogic Bath & Body Sensitive Skin Dual-Texture Face Cloth – Cleanlogic Body Care


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